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Day of the Dead 2021 – Coloring Contest
Are you ready for another coloring contest?
Calaveras are a fun tradition to celebrate your deceased ancestors. Used during the Day of the Dead celebrations, a sugar skull would be decorated and placed upon the alter for spirits to enjoy when they return to visit.
For our coloring contest this season we are going to color sugar skulls!
There are two ways to enter. (yes you can do both!)
First download the 2 page coloring file here
- color the “Pops Skull”. Post your colored version at the facebook event under the blank there.
- or; Decorate the blank skull template with elements that represent someone you care about. (It is ok if you want to create one for someone still living. or even yourself.) Color your creation and share with us in the event underneath the blank.
Not a facebook user? Send me your submission to: contest @ (NO SPACES)
Due Date: Please have all submissions in by November 1st! The start of Day of the Dead celebrations. I will make announcements on Nov 2nd.
Use the color palette provided below for extra chance at fun.

I will be giving away a free month introduction to the Coloring Subscription I have where you will be able to download a free coloring page every Monday!
During the event I will also be giving away coupons to download free coloring page. And a chance at a digital copy of my adult coloring book.
How I will find my winners
At the end of the event all entries will be collated in to a spreadsheet and assigned a number.
Using I will enter the number of submissions and find a random number to pick the winner.
During the event there will be chances to win coupons use at my website. Those winners will receive one coupon code to use at to claim a free coloring sheet.

Not sure what the skull theme is all about?
Don’t worry! I’ll be sharing some info during the event about them.
I’ll even share a recipe for making your own sugar skull for the holiday!
Looking forward to seeing your coloring pages when they are done. โค
leelofun #coloringcontest #Holidaycrafts #seasonalcrafts
The “Fine Print”
This event is managed by Suzy LeeLo and is no way associated or managed by Facebook. No purchase necessary to be entered in to the contest.